Me ne fund , pas nje muaji perdorim jam gati per te treguar pershtypjet e mia mbi fondotinten Maestro te Giorgio Armani-t. Reklamat dhe postimet neper blogje te kesaj fondotinte te re te Giorgio Armanit me bene shume kurioze dhe vendosa te hidhja nje sy ne te vetmin dyqan qe e shiste. Nje fondotinte ndryshe nga te tjerat si nga prezantimi, ne nje shishe qelqi me pikator (quhet keshtu???), ashtu dhe nga formulimi. Maestro Fusion eshte i perbere nga 5 vajra, disa prej tyre avullojne me kalimin e minutave duke lene keshtu ne lekure vetem pigmentet (per te evituar efektin maske) dhe nje ndjehesi shume te rehatshme ne lekure. Kur lexova kete perberje mendova: vaj... jo ne ftyren time gjeja qe urrej me shume eshte ndjesia e vajit...por nderrova mendim sapo e provova. Nje perberje shume e lengshme qe sapo vendoset ne fytyre perhapet menjehere dhe e vetmja fjale qe tashe ishte WOW!!! Eshte fondotinta me e lehte qe kam perdorur ndonjehere, le lekuren shume te bute, kompakte dhe shume naturale! Mbulon ne piken e duhur (shenja te lehta dhe jo akne), zgjat gjate gjithe dites dhe gjeja me e rendesishme (te pakten per mua) nuk shkelqen pjeset me te yndyrshme te fytyres, si hunda. Per momentin eshte fondotinta ime e preferuar ne perdorimin e perditshem per nje make up shume natural.
˙·٠•●♥ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ♥●•٠·˙
Finally, after using for a month Giorgio Armani Maestro's foundation, I'm ready make a review. I heard about this product everywhere so I became very curious and decided totake a look at the only store that sell it in my city. A foundation different from others as the presentation in a glass bottle with dropper (called so???), as for the formulation. Maestro Fusion is composed of 5 oils, some of them vaporize over minutes leaving only the skin pigments (to avoid the mask effect) and lightness in the skin. When I read this formulation I thought : oils... absolutely noooo...what i hate most is the oily feeling on my skin ... but I changed my opinion and just tried. A very liquid composition,just 3 dropps and my face espression now was WOW!!! Is lightest foundation that I have ever used, leaves skin very soft, compact and very natural! The coverage is light-medium (cover light markings and no acne), lasts all day and the most important thing (at least for me) does not shine the T-zone like others do. For the moment is my favourite foundation for everyday use in a natural make up.
Name: Maestro Fusion Makeup ,Giorgo Armani
Skin: Every type of skin
Price: 52€
Shade: 5,5
Pro: Very light on the skin , not a mask effect, longlasting, natural like second skin.
Contro: Pricey, light coverage on imperfections.
♡ Love ♡
Ciao Ada! Non ho mai provato i trucchi Armani sai! Sembra fantastico! Che bel primo piano!! Un bacio!
ReplyDeleteCiao Lilli, ho un po di prodotti di Armani è sono veramente il top...peccato per i prezzi che sono alche loro al top :-( . Grazie e buona domenica!