Friday, December 14, 2012

Dear Santa...(TAG)

Vajza e keni shkruar letren Babagjyshit??? Jemi akoma ne kohe...po filloj une e para me disa dhurata qe do te me pelqenin dhe meqenese mendova te bej nje tag po tag-oj 5 blogger te cilat do te kisha shume deshire ti shikoja "Listen e deshirave te Krishtlindjeve ose Vitit te Ri".
Dear Santa...Tag:
                                                                                              ˙·٠•●♥ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ♥●•٠·˙

 Hey girls have you wrote your letter to Santa??? We are still in time ... I am going to start it with  some gifts that i would like to receive and as this is a Tag Post, I am going to tag  5 bloggers that I  would like to see their "Christmas Wishlist ".
Dear Santa Tag:


Post Comment


  1. All I wish for are exams :P Thank you for the tag :)

  2. Ciao Ada! Grazie mille per la tag!^^ E' un'idea troppo carina! Mi piace tutto della tua wishlist, specie la wiifit, i pennelli e l'orologio!XD Un bacio!:***


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